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Joe Eddy总裁-Joe Eddy先生逾120年的商业洗礼,Eagle Manufacturing Company公司持续自豪的传统——向客户们提供着革新性的高品质产品和服务。


此外,我们一处全新的仓储与配送中也正在建设之中,它将坐落于现今我们西弗吉尼亚州Wellsburg总部的24号大街运营中心附近。 该项目规划在未来三年内分两阶段实施,并且最终将为我们的仓储配送系统增加超过10万平方英尺的新生场地面积。





Letter from the President

After 120 years in business, Eagle Manufacturing Company continues the proud tradition of providing innovative, quality products and services to its customers.

I would like to take this opportunity to introduce Eagle’s new appearance. We believed it was time to refresh the Eagle brand to better reflect the quality of products and services we provide to our customers. We hope you will enjoy our newly designed website, which launched this month and features new photography, updated content and our newest products among more. Additionally, Eagle’s compliance solutions product catalog, C.L.A.W.S. Regulatory Compliance Guide, product sell sheets, and several other sales and marketing materials, now all feature the new Eagle brand. We hope you’ll enjoy our new look!

Additionally, we are constructing a new warehouse and distribution center, which will be located adjacent to the current 24th Street operations at our headquarters in Wellsburg, W.Va. The project is planned to be completed in two phases within the next three years and will ultimately add 100,000 square feet of space dedicated for warehousing and distribution.

I want to thank our marketing team for their work on the new branding campaign, as well as all of our dedicated employees, who truly care about Eagle, and strive every day to ensure this company continues to provide the highest quality, best value products, services and industry solutions to our customers.

With the addition of new poly drums, safety cans, spill containment products and ramps, the Eagle product family has now grown to include over 750 industrial safety and hazardous material handling products, including safety containers, safety cabinets, spill containment, poly drums, traffic safety and a full line of guarding, protection and material handling products.

We are proud to say that all of our products are made in the United States of America! When you purchase an Eagle product, you are assured the best quality, craftsmanship and value on the market, supported by exceptional customer service, as reliable and innovative as our products!

Thank you to all of our customers for your continued loyalty, support and trust.